Intro to Daz Studio: FAQ & Troubleshooting
It can be incredibly frustrating when something seemingly simple just doesn’t work. We’ll post some suggestions here as we grow.
About Daz Support. A word from Tonnie.
I have found DAZ Studio support to be very helpful. That would be my go-to solution. It takes about a day for them to get back to you, but they have worked with me until I’ve found solutions to every problem I’ve sent their way. They were even able to fix my file structure when I couldn’t access some of my downloads. – Tonnie
Issue: Confirmation email not received
Unfortunately, this seems to be a fairly common problem. We are attempting to work with Daz 3D on this issue. Until we find a proper solution, here are our suggestions.
1. Search for it!
This may seem obvious, but the first and easiest step is to search your inbox. Some ISP’s like Google and Yahoo! will segment emails according to their own assumptions. So, make sure the confirmation email isn’t sitting in your SPAM folder, or tucked away in Promos or Updates.
2. Request another confirmation.
Go to the following web-page and enter the same email address you used to register. Click here for the Account Confirmation Request page.
2a. Optional. Use a different email address.
We’ve had at least one verified report from a member who did not receive his confirmation email when using his Yahoo email address. When he used a different email address, from a different ISP, he immediately got his confirmation!
So, if you have another email address with a different ISP, give it a go!
3. Contact Daz 3D Support.
If the above options don’t get it sorted out, it’s time to contact Daz 3D Support!
It can sometimes be difficult to stay calm and focused during frustrating times, like figuring out why this is not working. Please keep in mind that the people who answer these emails are human beings, doing their best to help you!
Starting a ticket requires that you fill out a form to let them know what you are contacting them about. Make sure you select the following:
- Contact Department: Sales Support
- Sales Ticket Tracker: Account Confirmation
Start a support ticket with Daz 3D here.
A support message example:
Below is a suggested template you can copy and paste into the Description field. Make sure you edit the bold items!
Hi there,
I am excited to get started with Daz Studio, but I’m stuck!
I followed a link from Shift Art to register for the free Daz Studio download.
I have completed the registration process up to the point where a confirmation by email is required.
I registered using this name and email address:
First Last
I have not received a confirmation email yet.
I have requested an additional confirmation request here: https://www.daz3d.com/customer/account/confirmation/
I have still not received a confirmation email.
I have checked my spam folder and done a thorough search of my inbox for the confirmation email. I am unable to find one.
I would greatly appreciate it if you would manually confirm my account, or provide me with a simple solution to register and download your highly regarded software.
Thank you for your kind attention to this. I appreciate your time and efforts.
Other Daz 3D Support Options.
You can visit the Daz 3D help page to access their Help Center, Documentation and a link to their Tutorials (including a installation video).