Five Day Challenge: Dream Within a Dream by JoAnn Wilmot
Member Created Artwork, Dream Within a Dream by JoAnn Wilmot

Unleash Your Creative Genius with Photoshop Mastery
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Thanks! I am learning so much through these exercises. You are very creative and are encouraging me to be as well.
Thank you once again for a wonderful learning opportunity. Went off task again. I think the hardest part is knowing when to say – stop and call the image complete. Well done to everybody who’s playing along – all the images look great.
Love it! Love it! Love it!!!♥♥♥♥ Thank you for these wonderful learning tools…
3rd one ready, again tried not to copy but build something using similar pictures from Pixabay and my own stock.
Great tutorial. Thank you! As usual went off at a tangent…..left the Paris metro pic showing….Lol.
Another wonderful tutorial! Lots of fun with blend modes and lighting! I used one of my own water images for an extra texture & one of the PS textures, otherwise I used the provided images. 🙂