Lighting Challenges:
Here are the challenges for this cycle. Please consider these as challenge prompts to start working on these skills. I know that you are entering this skill building session with a completely unique set of knowledge, strengths and weaknesses, so I really don’t want to box you into something that is too easy, too difficult, or just doesn’t make sense to you!
My hope is to see you posting images that are ON FIRE before our Live Workshop. Even if you start with Warming Up, you are totally capable of making it to On Fire before the Live Workshop!
Let’s try a simple tagging system when we post these results on our Facebook group. Using these tags will make it easy for everyone to approach each image with an appropriate perspective.
Here are some stock images from Pixabay that you can use for the challenges is you wish: Download images.
1. Warming Up #warmingup
Start with this if this whole concept is new to you, or if you feel that you need to practice some of the essential skills needed like using overlays or basics like masking out (or in) light.
Post your results on the Facebook group and tag your post with #warmingup at the top of your post.
Complete at least three (or create three images in your skill range):
- Follow along with Halo by Jason Hahn and post your result on Facebook (and the tutorial gallery too!).
- Follow along with Assassin’s Creed by Bunty Pundir and post your result on Facebook (and the tutorial gallery too!).
- Use an overlay to create a light beam or other simple light addition!
- Limit the light in an image using the basic concept of extreme increase or decrease of light, and then masking to get your desired effect.
- Enhance, amplify or modify an obvious existing light source in an image of your choice.
2. Rolling Up Your Sleeves #rollingsleeves
Start here if you feel fairly confident with most of the basic techniques.
Post your results on the Facebook group and tag your post with #rollingupsleeves at the top of your post.
Complete at least three (or create three images in your skill range):
- Use the Lighting Effects Filter to add a light source to an image.
- Follow along with Oblivion by George Christakis and post your result on Facebook (and the tutorial gallery too!).
- Use Dodge & Burn to make an image more painterly or dramatic.
- Paint in some basic directional light, with or without color.
- Stack several overlays to create a combined lighting effect.
- Create a basic drop shadow on an extracted subject.
3. On Fire #onfire
You’ll know when you are ready for this one! You are confident and want to create something amazing!
Post your results on the Facebook group and tag your post with #onfire at the top of your post.
Complete at least three (or create three images in your skill range):
- Create a planet with Jenny Le!
- Get really detailed with lighting on a portrait using Dodge and Burn.
- Paint in light on a composition that does not have an obvious light source.
- Create a realistic shadow for an extracted subject of your choice, using drop shadow, contact shadow and “reflected” shadow.
- Create a composition with multiple light sources making sure that all the elements are affected by them.
Post Your Challenge Results on our Summit Facebook Group:
If you are not already in the Summit Facebook group, then please join us!
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