Use the form below to see how much time you can save by learning a few simple Photoshop keyboard shortcuts! Then, post the result on Facebook and download a free printable PDF with our favorite shortcuts!Play around with the form … continue reading.
Let’s outline the methods available in Photoshop for making selections, or to extract a subject from the background. This task probably comes up over and over in your work, and the options available in Photoshop can be overwhelming. So, let’s … continue reading.
Adobe’s November update of Photoshop CC 2015 has been controversial. The most noticeable and dramatic change in this update is the user interface (UI). The UI is now flat, with buttons and controls no longer protruding. The look is now very … continue reading.
If you do not take all your own photos, or need supplemental images for your work, you will want to find pictures with licenses that allow you to use them in your work.Luckily, there are a bunch of places on … continue reading.
If you use keyboard shortcuts in Adobe Photoshop, you have probably run across numerous tables and lists attempting to organize the hundreds of keyboard shortcuts into something manageable. Adobe, for example, offers a handy printable pdf of the most common … continue reading.