Katie Watersell Interview

Tell us a little about yourself:
I was born in Kiev, Ukraine and have been drawing as far back as I can remember. When i was a baby a saw a Disney cartoon and decided to become an animator (in Disney’s studio of course:), but in Ukraine there was no animation education. So, I became a…. programmer (because no one in my family could understood the profession of an artist, especially me, who thought that I can’t make big money by selling my pictures).
But my friends believed in me, and my story started when my friend bought a Wacom Tablet for me.
When I’m not creating art I prefer to draw letters – calligraphy, travel and take care of my little home garden.
When did you first begin to make art?
My first images that I’m not ashamed of were born in university, when I started to draw my own comic book. My tools were pencil and ink.
After a few years I understood that drawing was not enough for me and started to use photography…
When did you first start using Photoshop and how did you learn?
I started from traditional art, but in my first work (in game development studio) I learned digital drawing in Photoshop. I knew nothing about it so my workmates helped me a lot. I’m very appreciative for that. After a few years I understood that drawing was not enough for me and started to use photography for creating collages.
What inspires you?
Everything! Starts from music, ends with pattern on butterfly’s wings, everything that can catch associations in my mind
Who are some of your favorite artists?
Elena Vizerskaya and Cornacchia
What is your typical process when creating a piece of art?
It depend on the idea, sometimes I see how it should be in the end, sometimes I find better solutions while creating.
Where do you get your source materials from?
I use my own photos and shutterstock sometimes. All models are my friends.
I love to add shadows and light…
What is your favorite Photoshop trick/method at the moment?
Overpainting. I love to add shadows and light to make the whole picture complex.
What is your favorite Photoshop tool or plugin at the moment?
I use the Imagenomic filter very often (it makes photo smooth and kills grain) and also brush tool
What work of your own are you most proud of?
Storks. I made it when the war started in my country. I’m very glad to see it in patriotic posts on social networks, because I’m against the war.
What are you currently working on?
I’m working on two projects at the same time, Arabian Fairytales and Gothic Blackberry. Both will be updated with new pictures soon.
What would you tell someone who is starting out making Photoshop art?
1. Do not be afraid of Photoshop! 2. Always use image references for your works, do not draw details without having a thematic base in your head. 3. Look what other artists painting – not for stealing the idea, but for inspiration. 4. Play with associations to have more interesting ideas. 5. Do not stop creating art even when you think that no one will like it. They will someday. Patience and diligence!
Thank you for the tips (without the tricks 😉 )
… nice story…a lot of succes in your art-carrier…
I love your pictures more correct your art, I am proud of you as my previous countrymen. I am from Kiev also,long time ago. I am also trying to learn Photoshop art. So enjoing your work.