This cycle continues working through dForce. In this cycle we will go through how to simulate older clothing, what weight maps are, how to use helper objects to get the look you are striving for, what the push modifier can be used for, and the ever mysterious dForce hair. This cycle will definitely boost your confidence when it comes to dForce and all the little tricks that others use to get the looks they want.
Video 1 – In this video, I will demonstrate how to use dForce on 3rd generation clothing by using the dForce engine and weight maps.
Video 2 – In this video, I will demonstrate how to use the push modifier and what possibilities it will have in helping with dForce simulations.
Video 3 – This video will introduce you to helper objects and the endless possibilities they will create for you.
Video 4 – This video will introduce you to dForce hair and how to get the look you are wanting.