Summit Cycle 1: Matte Painting!
This month we’ll dive into matte painting, or, as I like to call it; How to create amazing backgrounds for your art by stitching together multiple images that magically “fit” together…
Well, as it turns out, there is no magic here. With a solid grip on the skills that are covered in this session, you’ll be creating your own “magic” in no time!
Below you’ll find links to all the Summit videos, special links, challenges and much more. The videos are in place, and you’ll find other materials and info posted over the next few days. Check back often for updates.
So, if you’re ready, go ahead and dive into this month’s learning cycle videos. Enjoy!
Here are the challenges for this cycle. Please consider these as challenge prompts to start working on these skills. I know that each of you are entering this skill building session with completely unique knowledge, strengths and weaknesses, so I really don’t want to box you into something that is too easy, too difficult, or just doesn’t make sense to you!
My hope is to see every single one of you posting images that are ON FIRE before our Live Workshop. Even if you start with Warming Up, you are totally capable of making it to On Fire before the Live Workshop!
Let’s try a simple tagging system when we post these results on our Facebook group. Using these tags will make it easy for everyone to approach each image with an appropriate perspective.
1. Warming Up #warmingup
Start with this if this whole concept is new to you, or if you feel that you need to practice some of the essential skills needed like masking and basic adjustment layers.
Pick at least three tutorials by Bunty Pundir.
Download the assets for it (find links on tutorial pages) and go through the process of replicating his outcome. Focus especially on how he blends together his backgrounds, but go ahead and complete the tutorials for extra exposure to masking and basic adjustment layers.
Post your results on the Facebook group and tag your post with #warmingup at the top of your post.
2. Rolling Up Your Sleeves #rollingsleeves
Start here if you feel fairly confident with most of the masking and adjustment skills.
Complete at least three (or create three images in your skill range):
- Create a sky blending together 2-4 sky/cloud images of your choice.
- Blend together one ground and one sky.
- Create a simple complete background using 3-5 images of your choice.
- Take an existing tutorial by Bunty Pundir, but replace one of the main elements.
- Take one of your existing compositions that already uses some of these skills and change at least one major element of the background or environment.
Post your results on the Facebook group and tag your post with #rollingupsleeves at the top of your post.
3. On Fire #onfire
You’ll know when you are ready for this one! You are confident and want to create something amazing!
Complete three pieces of your choice:
- Create a completely new background or environments for one of your existing pieces.
- Create a completely new background or environment you can use for a future project.
Post your results on the Facebook group and tag your post with #onfire at the top of your post.
Community gathering place:
Our private Facebook group is open! Please join us!
Live Workshop:
Our Live workshop will be with the incredible Photoshop artist Bunty Pundir! The recording is now available.
There are two options:
Full replay including chat/comment box, but no Fast Forward or Rewind options. This will show you the entire experience as it happened live.
Recording of workshop window without chat/comment box with ability to Fast Forward and Rewind. This shows all the main action, but not the chat box
Your Bonus 120+ Photoshop tutorials:
Simply click on the “tutorials” tab in the top navigation bar and start browsing!