Brooke Shaden

With a strong background in writing, filmmaking and photography, Brooke Shaden’s approach to creating art is unique. Her love for writing began in childhood; first in poetry, then in short-stories. She studied filmmaking in college and began learning photography shortly after. Much of her Photoshop knowledge was gained by thinking about the image she wanted to create and then working backward to figure out how to do it. Her various artistic endeavours have all lent themselves to the creating the complex and mysterious artwork she produces today.
Brooke Shaden Gallery:
All images in this gallery are Copyright © Brooke Shaden, all rights reserved. Copying, altering, displaying or redistribution of any of these images without written permission from the artist is strictly prohibited.
love every thing you ( Brook ) do , incredibly eye opening and inspiring , can’t thank you enough for your vision , inspiration and influence you have on me and many !