July, 2020 Photoshop Challenge Results!
The theme for this challenge was: If I had a super power it would be _________.
This month we our members to create pieces that reflect the super power they would pick if possible. The entries were outstanding!
Congratulations to Peggy Rushing for winning this month’s challenge with her fun piece, “Aqua Girl”! Let’s also celebrate the runners up and all the adventurous artists who participated.
Check out all the these fantastic entries below!
Challenge Results:
This challenge was judged by Caroline Julia Moore, Bethany Perron and Andrei Tallent.
Winning Entry: Aqua Girl by Peggy Rushing
Top Prize: A Shift Art Shop Creativity Pack of Choice!

First Runner up: Natalie Smith
Prize: She will receive a texture pack of her choice from Caroline’s Texture Collection on Shift Art Shop
Down Under by Natalie Smith

Second Runner Up: Karen Ewald
Prize: Karen will receive a texture pack of their choice from Caroline’s Texture Collection on Shift Art Shop
Kinetica by Karen Ewald

Honorable mentions:
Also noticed:
All Other Entries:
Big Thanks to everyone who participated in the Shift Art Challenge for July, 2020!