June 2022 Photoshop Challenge Results!
The theme for this challenge was: The Four Elements!
This month’s challenge created some fantastic artwork, however we had a difficult time judging because many entries did not follow the rule that the main subject should be at least one of the provided images. Therefore there were lots of great pieces submitted that we could not include in our initial judging in order to be fair to the people who did follow the rules.
We’ve included a “Best of the Rest” gallery to showcase some of our top picks from artists who used their own assets as the main subject. These are amazing pieces as well, and we wanted to be sure to acknowledge them. As always, the decisions of the judges are final, and we hope you understand that this is meant to be fun and it’s hard for us to pick winners each month.
Congratulations to Heike Lindner for winning the challenge this month with her magnificent “Goddess Of Wind And Water”
Also, special thanks to all the creative and talented artists who make this challenge a success every single month!
Challenge Results:
This challenge was judged by Caroline Julia Moore, Bethany Perron and Andrei Tallent.
Winner: Heike Lindner.
Top Prize: An Individual Summit of Choice with Lifetime Access!
Runner up: Ashby Presley.
Prize: Choice between a Texture Collection Pack from CJM Texture Collection, a Texture Pack by Bethany Perron, or a Lightroom Preset Pack from PSD Stack.
Honorable mentions:
Also noticed:
Best Of The Rest:
We’ve included a “Best of the Rest” gallery to showcase some of our top picks from artists who used their own assets as the main subject. These are amazing pieces as well, and we wanted to be sure to acknowledge them.
All Other Entries:
Big Thanks to everyone who participated in this Shift Art Challenge!