Bird’s Eye View by Dale Botha

When one looks at the steps taken to complete this image they are extremely simple. The complexity comes in the constant testing of image overlays and blending modes and/or moving layers above or below each other to create different looks. Each of us sees differently and therefore has a different result despite using the same images. That is the wonder of digital art.
Final image:
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Hi! Another fine tutorial! This is an awesome image, anyway, but, the explanation of the Layer’s Blending Modes is such a big help!
If I may, could the tutorials be categorized by technique, perhaps?
Like, this one offers a lot of tips on Blending Modes. Another may feature Layer Masks. Know what I mean? I actually came in search of a tutorial with a technique I wanted to review to refresh my memory. I was able to use the search feature, but, if the tutorials were listed in categories as to the featured tips and techniques, that would be very helpful! Just tossing that out there. LOL
Thank you!
Thank you for your input Su! We are working on implementing a search feature which will allow you to search by name or technique. Stay tuned!