Below are the some of the incredible pieces of art that came out of the Shift Art 10 Day Photoshop Challenge! Shift Art Members were challenged daily, for ten straight days, to create a new image based on an existing tutorial on Shift Art.
Shift Art Members who completed all 10 challenges within the assigned ten days:
Justin Sweetman, Susan Jones, Judy Chandlee, Kathryn Kempke, Kathryn Vince, Dave Belsham, Larry Tingly, Tom Leparskas, Marla Julien, Lynn Jenkin, Donna Dean, Janice Batterbee, Fern Phillips, Nancie Rowan, Ashby Presley, Sheri Emerson Sanders, Denise McDermott , Svein Ivar Ask, Claudia Bost, Janet Sipl, Ajay Goel, Evelyn Duncan, Clifton Baker, Audrey Foley, Allyson Schwartx.
Winners of the daily random drawing for a RAWexchange gift certificate:
Barbara Tarcza, Svein Ivar Ask, Anne Herbert, Nathalie Giroux, Melanie Callahan, Audrey Foley, Margaret Weir, Lynn Jenkin, Kim Benson, Janet Sipl, Tom Leparskas (bonus drawing for those who finished all 10 challenges).
Editor’s picks for outstanding challenge entries:
The images below were all submitted during the 10 Day Challenge. Out of all 500+ total entries, I noticed these images for their amazing creativity, stunning visuals, fantastic storytelling, incredible skill, or great humor.
One by one beautiful pieces made by people who love making art…!!! 🙂
Congrats to those who were mentioned and those who participated, fantastic images by all!!
I have no idea how you managed to get it done during this busy season. Even attempting such marvelous feats has me in awe.
I loved these tutorials and learned a lot from them! Love how they are displayed, thank you so much. It was also fun to see each persons take in the results!
Congrats to all who participated! And an special congrats to those who completed all ten challenges at such a busy time of year! I see a lot of awesome art has come out of this!
Congrats again to all the winners . Awesome work from everyone . I really enjoyed the 10 day challenge, which taught me some new things
What an exceptional collection of art! Congratulations to all of the winners, I am glad it was random draw as choosing a winner every day from so many fabulous entries would have been impossible. Bravo!!
Congratulations to all the participants and winners. It’s been so inspiring seeing all the creativity out there.
Exceptional artists, wonderful art and a great place to showcase both. Congratulations to all who were involved in this neat venture.
Loved the images, especially the ones that were original and used the concept without just recreating someone else’s idea
Great work, superb artwork, something for me to aspire to.
I take my hat off to those who participated in this challenge – there is some stunning artwork here. I would have loved to have joined in but real life got in the way. Will you be creating a special gallery to archive these?
For now this page will serve as the archive of the incredible art created in this challenge. I hope you’ll join me for the next multi-day challenge at a different time of the year!
Ditto to Carol’s comment. Congrats to all, wish I could have been with you
I love all the art work and contests. They always turn out such beautiful creations. But it seems like the majority of art turned out is so gritty and dark.
I think this may in part be due to the relative “darkness” of the original pieces in the tutorials. Maybe next time we’ll throw some more “light” pieces in the mix 😉
I loved how this challenge brought so many of us together, to encourage and learn.
I totally agree Margaret! I think this challenge is just what we needed in the Shift Art community. The enthusiasm and camaraderie I saw has inspired me to make this kind of challenge a regular event! (I just need to don my thinking cap for a few minutes to figure out the details 🙂
A fantastic gallery with such amazing creations… Where a community is able of everything but only marvels and beauties…