How to control prop placement
Have you ever placed an item in a scene and can’t find it? Or do you want to place one prop or person near another? There is a simple way to do this.
If I were to load a prop the usual way, which is to double click on it, it would load at the world center. In scenes with buildings, it’s is very difficult to find what you’ve just loaded.
To load a prop or figure to a specific location, zoom close to where you want the item to be then alt- or opt-drag the item into the scene. A circle will appear. Drag the circle near to the desired placement and release. That’s it. Pretty simple.
Once you get the propor figure close to the final location, you can then adjust the final placement using the regular controls. If you accidently load the prop inside something else, hide that item using the Scene. Then use the move controls to relocate the lost prop.
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