Why you should customize your workspace!
The biggest benefit of a custom Daz Studio workspace is that it can support your unique workflow.

You will probably change your workspace as you improve and get to know your own preferences.
For example, I have found that I use my Scene tab far more than the Auxiliary Viewport.
And, I use the Content Library rather than Smart Content.
As you work, notice which tabs and panes you use most often. Where do you find yourself flipping back and forth between tabs?
This is when you want to rearrange the layout. It is easy to rearrange tabs/panes. It is largely a matter of dragging and dropping.
The most important thing is to know which panes are referred to in my videos, not where they are located.
In The Daz Studio Workspace e-book, available to Intro to Daz Studio students, I give detailed information about all the main tabs/panes. The e-book also shows you how to customize, save, and load layouts.
You may want to create more than one layout! Create one for adjusting your characters, one for loading whole scenes, and one for rendering.
Grab the Daz Studio Workspace Customizer Bundle for just $9!
You’ll get the full workspace e-book, plus a cool bonus!
Download The Daz Studio Workspace (e-book) + Bonus!
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