September, 2020 Shift Art DAZ Studio Challenge is Closed!
Theme: A Little Pixie
Whether you believe in them or not, Faeries have been around since the beginning of time. Some are cute, some are ugly, and some are just mean. Whatever type of fairy you like, show us your best image of one of these tiny creatures.
Main characters must be rendered inside of Daz. Other programs may be used for postwork.
I look forward to seeing what you create and good luck!
Top Prize: A One Year Membership to Advanced Daz Studio Art ($180 value)!
Plus, the winner and runners up get their images displayed on the results page, and of course, huge bragging rights!
The rules:
Below you will find the rules for this challenge. Entries will be judged by Tonnie Wolfe, Jennifer Killby, and Bethany Perron.
Challenge rules:
- All participants must be Shift Art members. Join for free here.
- Entries must be received by midnight on September 15, 2020 U.S. Pacific Time (UTC-8).
- Your main character must be created in Daz Studio.
- Previous challenge winners are welcome to participate in all future challenges.
- Entries featuring violence, hate, pornography or any other content deemed inappropriate by the judged will be disqualified. The decision to disqualify an entry is entirely at the judges’ discretion and is not negotiable.
- You may use any of your own assets/images as long as they are under public domain, or if you have full commercial rights to them. This includes photos, textures and overlays. See our article on finding images for ideas of where to find images.
- Only one entry per member, per challenge.
- Upload your entry image as a JPG with a width of 1200 px on the longest side. Images with smaller dimensions will not be accepted. Maximum file size is 50Mb.
- SPECIAL RULE: When posting your entries on social media, please tag: #DazStudioChallenge