April 2025 Shift Art Photoshop Challenge – OPEN

Theme: Kaleidoscope!

This month’s challenge is on the theme of kaleidoscopes. We’ve given you a very random sampling of photos and your task is to create your best kaleidoscope image. We are looking for originality, interesting color balance or combinations, and good use of 3 or more of the provided images. You can set your kaleidoscope within another image, so it’s just part of the composition, or the kaleidoscope can be the whole image. Please don’t create something so abstract that we can’t tell that you used our images. Also please no AI! We want to challenge YOU!

Top Prize:

An Individual Summit of Choice with Lifetime Access!

The winner of this challenge will receive an individual Summit of choice with Lifetime Access. All individual Summits are available for active Summit Members. This prize will give you lifetime access regardless of your membership level.

Runners-Up Prizes:

Texture Collections

The Runners-Up of this challenge will win their choice of a texture pack from either of our two amazing instructors, Caroline Julia Moore or Bethany Perron.

Pixabay images included for this challenge:

Check out the images to use in your creative entry!

The Rules:

Below you will find the rules as well as the images to be used in your composition. Entries will be judged by Caroline Julia Moore, Bethany Perron, Andrei Tallent, and Jo Crane.

Standard Challenge Rules:

These general rules apply to all Shift Art Challenges.

  • The main subject must be one of the provided images.
  • All entrants must be Shift Art members. Join for free here.
  • Entries must be received by midnight on April 15, 2025 U.S. Pacific Time (UTC-8).
  • You must use a minimum of three Pixabay images provided in the download packet.
  • Previous challenge winners are welcome to participate in all challenges.
  • Entries featuring violence, hate, pornography or any other content deemed inappropriate by the judged will be disqualified. The decision to disqualify an entry is entirely at the judges’ discretion and is not negotiable.
  • You may use any of your own assets/images as long as they are under public domain, or if you have full commercial rights to them. This includes textures and overlays. See our article on finding images for ideas of where to find images.
  • Entries using AI to generate the full image, or to create the majority of the assets used in the image, will not be considered for prizes. We want to see YOUR skills and creativity as a Photoshop artist, not an AI’s.
  • Only one entry per member, per challenge.
  • Upload your entry image as a JPG with a width of 1200px on the longest side. Images with smaller dimensions will not be accepted. Maximum file size is 50Mb.

All images on this page, and in the challenge assets for this challenge, were found on Pixabay.

You must be logged in to download the assets and participate in the challenge.